
I'm bored

10 clues , 5 across 5 down , no blacked out squares , all 5 letter words
1 across ,,,,,a tool
2 across,,,,, a drink
3 across ,,,,,,hit
4 across,,,,, a comic
5 across ,,,, and judy

1 down , ,,,,vegetables
2 down ,,,,,sheep
3 down ,,,,,chickens
4 down ,,,,views
5 down ,,,,,always dropped
Watch a movie, play a videogame, read a book. Whatever you do just don't play chess simply out of boredom. I can tell you from experience that is never a good idea.
lol like i was trying to say that this wasn't supposed to be taken seriously and i thought no one would ever post. Man forums with generic titles do get a lot of posts.

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