
Hey what's your discord username?

@chorismate said in #7:
> Prove conclusively that you are not an NPC.
> A sufficiently advanced AI is undistinguishable from a conscious human being.
> chorismate
> And my Discord username is also "chorismate". You never asked for the tag.
> Chorismate is the conjugate base of chorismic acid. Chorismic acid is a biosynthetic intermediate for aromatic compounds in plants and microorganisms.

This is the wrong place to act like a space monkey
go somewhere else libtard
@chorismate said in #42:
> may provide a better insight.

Thank you for stating someone elses opinion
I also thank you for searching for a website that might insult someone you called you libtard.

You are extremely smart "chorismate"
@Y1NOz said in #43:
> Thank you for stating someone elses opinion
> I also thank you for searching for a website that might insult someone you called you libtard.
> You are extremely smart "chorismate"
> :)

Sounds like sarcasm.
I'm not even going to try to argue with you since arguing is kind of... pointless.
@LordSupremeChess said in #30:
> Wait...
> What's my Lichess username again?? I forgot.

Yes dumbass. Its... wait! Whats your lichess username? I didnt say my lichess username neither!

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