
Can Carlsen beat Stockfish 10?

There is a chance to draw against Stockfish, but a human can't win, because Stockfish never blunders
Handicap Stockfish 10 the c or f pawn. I'm sure this has been thought of before. As long as material is equal then probably not. Also, I'd like a human to have two moves mid game against Stockfish.
Is handicap that much different than 4 free moves? Well hold on I can see what the engine itself says I'll just repeat his advantage from the video and see.

Edit: it is about -2 advantage for Carlsen. I was surprised to see that so called opening even has a name.
Given enough time, Carlsen will beat Stockfisch. Perhaps in some sort of correspondence match.
Nakamura lost some years ago some pawns and tempi up against Komodo. It‘s ridiculous.

A couple of draws out of hundred or thousand games, if MC‘s lucky.

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