
can anyone's laptop has windows 11 ?? if yes how is that can i upgrade my laptop now

In short; older than 2015 probably not, newer probably yes.
For those who have tried already Win 11:

Is it nicer than Win 10? From the screenshots I have seen it looks a bit more chromebook than windows
@ronin3b said in #24:
> For those who have tried already Win 11:
> Is it nicer than Win 10? From the screenshots I have seen it looks a bit more chromebook than windows
download it fast its very very cool
@Sarg0n said in #20:
> I have two notebooks at home. I cannot upgrade the old one purchased 2015, missing TPM (2.0 or at all). Not sure whether a BIOS upgrade would help or the chip isn't simply there. The other one works well with Win 11.

dude, I have 12 notebooks:
math: 4
bio: 1
physics and chem: 2
social: 2
languages: 3
(just kidding)
Its better to download later
Right now the support is less and has more bugs
requirements to install win 11 are - TPM Module 2.0 , processor with dual core or more , processor clock speed 1 GHZ or more , have more than 4 GB of system memory (RAM) , system disk larger than 64 GB and PC with secure boot . These are the requirements to install win 11 . If you want to know more download PC Health Check -

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