

Well, I have never worked for the actual owner of wherever im working at.
So my bosses have always been just people that are in charge.
I dont discuss with them, the only helpful thing I can do is to assess the situation. If they are interfering in my growth, or are just bad managers in general, I just try to get a different position that does not make me collide with them. If that is not possible, I just quit.
My best boss and my worst boss had almost the same level of capability basically not a lot
However the difference between the two was that the best boss got stuff out of my way that I didn't enjoy doing (political stuff) and my worst boss simply added to the political stuff.
You really couldn't tell those two bosses apart in terms of skill set but one was a nightmare to work with and the other a joy simply because the good one took care of things that would otherwise have got in my way for execution.
Moral of the story is that you can deal with any kind of boss even bosses whose skill set is a subset of yours as long as they understand that their job is to get obstacles out of the way of those that work for them and not to create new ones.
I've had my share of bad bosses. Worst I can think of is one who like to have a whipping boy to pick on. No matter how one tried to lease him, he always found ways to belittle and berate one of his subordinates. Usually the whipping boy lasted for about 6 to 8 months before the boss found someone new to pick on. To this day, I am astounded that no one committed suicide nor went postal on his watch.
Most bosses I have had were simply interested in accomplishing the day's goals. Often with too little to work with in terms of time and resources. But they don't stick in the memory like the bosses from hell.
@Katzenschinken said in #5:
> 3. We have freedom of movement in Germany. There was and is no legal way to relocate anyone against his will into East Germany.

This is - for refugees - wrong. Look up "Wohnsitzauflage", look up "Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG)", look up "Residenzpflicht" (specifically §61 AufenthG).
@Nomen-Nonatur said in #16:
> This is - for refugees - wrong. Look up "Wohnsitzauflage", look up "Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG)", look up "Residenzpflicht" (specifically §61 AufenthG).

Turkish migrants in their overwhelming majority do not fall under the refugee laws. Most of them do even possess german citizenship.

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