
Alternate history...what if ...?

Henri Becquerel shared the Nobel with the Curies for radioactivity stuff."Plates" refers to photographic plates,which he inadvertently placed in a draw which contained a sample of radioactive stuff.He correctly deduced what had caused the plates to fog up.This led to the development of x-ray machines and inter-galactic death-rays.@clousems
Pssh, nice try. We all know that x-ray machines and inter-galactic death-rays are solar powered.

what if what if what if what if what if what if
what if what if what if
what if what if what if
what if what if what if
what if what if what if
what if what if what if
what if what if what if
what if what if what if
what if what if what if
what if what if what if
Up to a point,you are mildly correct.Modern ray-devices are indeed solar powered on a clear day.
However,it behooves me to point out that earlier,prototypical versions range from slave-powered(treadmill) thru (American spelling,not the real one)pedal and steam,and indeed even rubber band stored-kinetic-energy principle.There was an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to use tsunami-power.

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