
Alternate history...what if ...?

Ok... let's do more alternate history... What if Hitler wouldn't have attacked the Soviet Union in WW2?
@chessspy1 Your mention of the "Thinker" reminded me of a poster they made long ago, that showed the thinker sitting on the commode. I made up some quotes for him..."I shit therefore... I am "I think ?" or "I shit therefore I stink..."I think ?" :]
I wonder if you are treating this thread with the gravity it deserves. Er, yes you are.
Ok I mentioned 'gravity' I should have known better....
What if Saul had been wearing his sunglasses on the road that day?
All this has nothing to do with alternate history , unless The life of Brian is an alternate history movie.
@spendius @bunyip
If there was a serious point to the film skit 'Life of Brian' it would have to be that the Jews were expecting a 'Messiah' to arrive at any time. as they still are. Then another person would have assumed the thorny mantle, and presumably a similar fate.
Making little difference over the long term.
We should also remember that for most of the recent past (20th c onward) there were more people cleaving (they said) to the writings and ideas of that other great prophet Carl Marx.

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