
Why flagged cheaters are allowed to play in casual mode?

There may be some insignificant amount of cheating happening but not enough to justify flagging non-cheaters as cheaters. That's garbage.
The cases in which a non-cheater is flagged are so rare that they're barely worth mention. And when this happens all the non-cheater has to do is appeal the flag and if after review the case for them being a cheater is not compelling the mark comes off. I'd rather have an insignificant amount of false positives than a significant amount of false negatives. You seem to disagree. I assure you that you're in the minority.
I realize that it's a minority opinion, it wouldn't be worth arguing otherwise. Have you ever been accused of cheating? I have and 100% of those were false positives. I've also never accused anyone else of cheating and I'm sure some of those could be considered false negatives.

On balance, though, I think it's a wash.

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