
Why flagged cheaters are allowed to play in casual mode?

You think it helps because you've already made lots of false assumptions. I recommend that the next time you feel like someone cheated, post the game link in a forum thread.

We'll either agree with you or convince you that you're imagining it. My feeling is that people are very investing in believing they were cheated but not so much in believing that others were.
Whoa! cool it down buddy. Youre taking this awfully personal, which is interesting if you know what i mean ;)

You read my comment and Misunderstood "seems like you have the knack to automatically take things in a negative way" and then theres your ego. Thats quite obvious since always i said was "it helps a lot" and you jump down my thrpoat with your total misunderstanding of my post and very inaccurate assumptions.

All i said was if you wanna eliminate "some" probability of a person using programs, take a peek at hes bullet rating in comparison to hes classical. For instance if a guy has 2300-2400 in classical while hes bullet rating is 1600-1700, theres a 95% that he is cheating.Its normal for Any rational person to assume that. There is always of course the 5 % chance that there is some special cause for it, I,e bad connection, or the fact that he has played too few games. Otherwise i think its obvious that he or she makes of engines.

I'm not taking it personally, and you're entitled to your opinion, but you're basing it on bad assumptions. My opinion is that there's <1% chance that the user is cheating and that it's irresponsible for you to encourage reporting him.

Let's put it to the test, show us a game where you think someone cheated, and we'll do some analysis.
I never mentioned reporting. Simply whether you feel comfortable playing him or not.
You said:
>> And of course report the cheaters ASAP
You really don't remember that?
Like i said, you misunderstood.

I said report the cheaters. I didnt say report those who have a bad bullet rating.

You really couldnt understand the difference?

Ok lets put the matter to rest now.
This is not facilitating anything by the two of you arguing about nonsense.

1) yes, the impetus is on the user to determine if s/he wants to play his/her opponent, and should do a quick hover of the person and get the feedback they'd like to make that call

2) number 1 does not negate the fact that MARKED CHEATERS are allowed to accept casual games but cannot be filtered out of seeks or lobby selection. While this may not be a problem for some, it IS a problem for others.

3) there are two simple solutions to number 2: filter cheaters are if they are anonymous, or allow people to reject challenges to seeks. Otherwise you have to go into the game, see they are a cheater, wait for the anti abort abuse timer, and abort.

What the two of you are even arguing about has almost nothing to do with the topic since the original discussion is about filtering cheaters that have already been marked out of casual games.
That's not what I'm arguing at all. I'm arguing that nobody is cheating, not even the marked cheaters and I used an example from one of my games where my opponent was marked as a cheater even though he was clearly not cheating.

I do think that evidence like a low bullet rating is especially meaningless though when it comes to detecting cheating.
Argue that no one is cheating all you like, you're on the wrong side of history. There are indeed people cheating. I've even seen some of the software demonstrated that allows anyone to do it. If it exists, someone will use it. End of debate.

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