
Who gets more care by lichess? Titled or Normal

Paying attention, lichess has a lot of things to offer
but a random user new user can use only one of his service
and forget about the others, such as the study tools
the streaming Videos, the lichess T.V or even the forum,
It happens to me and I almost log in daily in lichess
but I forget about most of its service, for example variants
Or the new web, (not sure about spelling.)
I try my Best,
The Chess Commander, the happy fellow of the white
Black Army! NO Surrender Soldiers, No Surrender
Víctory is coming Soon, The king is under Attack
but the Queen the knight and the bishops are back!!!!
Social classes:
mods: get to ban people
devs: get a cool looking thing on their profile
titled players: followers and rating
streamers: thank you for the follow, iboughtabot. that was amazing of you
people that sponsor: i believe nelly furtado speaks for you (look it up)
forum posters: they are like celebs. you are either loved, or hated
normal players: oOh tHiS sTrEaMeR iS lIvE
dedicated to @RiotandCarngeISVenom for messaging me about the minute maid

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