
Studies not working

You created that chapter from position and the FEN string you entered is

rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQ - 0 1

It says that black has no castling rights.

So there's no bug.
But according to the moves played i see that... Black still has kingside castling rights🙁🙁🙁...just forget about and I didn't create the chapter from a position (if that's what u meant) but I was playing the moves from a chess book so I could save the games in my study when I lose the BK..🙃.Forget about this thing..that's all I've got to tell ya😃
Thibault can't really know the FEN because it's a private study...
I think 🤔it wasn't a joke coz my study was 🤨private....unless @thibault has the ability to go into people's private studies

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