
Studies not working

Hi - I have some studies that just stopped working. They're fairly long (20+ chapters) and when I go to chapters after the first couple, it makes the noise as if the pieces are moving, but the pieces don't move. Sometimes it won't switch to the other chapter at all when clicked on.

This was duplicated by multiple users in the study, and it's true for several studies. I've tried different browsers, logging out and back in, incognito mode, and clearing my browser cache. Help?
Since yesterday, I've noticed some issues with private studies also. Sometimes, when I click on the next chapter, it just won't load. Also, my student is in the study, but he doesn't appear on the list of people in the room.
It should be working well now. Please confirm.
means chapter, oh i know that, chapter have a limit in 64 only and you cant add chapter and make again study.
1 study only 64 chapter if say :
You have reached the limit of 64 chapters per study. Please create a new study.
That thing happens to me... When am making private studies.. I can't castle and u can't tell me that I don't know the rules about castling coz I know all of them... Why can't I castle🙁🙁🙁
You can't be rated 1700 rapid and not know all the rules of castling.
Yup am 1704 in rapid... I know all the rules about castling.....but my qerry is that when am making private studies,I can't castle...why😮😮
In which study, chapter and position can you not castle? When you report a bug you have to help me reproduce it.

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