
Show expected result, not only centi-pawns in analysis

As the meaning of centi-pawns depends on the position, as explained on this lichess article [ ] and is not easily interpretable for humans, it would be cool to have the win percentages/expected score instead or alongside the centipawn eval in lichess' game analysis.
What are these supposed to be in the first place?
@Cedur216 said in #2:
> What are these supposed to be in the first place?

The evaluation of the position. Centipawns are not intuitive to humans, expected score is.
@Deadban: When the accuracy of a move is calculated, this formula is used for calculating win probability (see
Win% = 50 + 50 * (2 / (1 + exp(-0.00368208 * centipawns)) - 1)

Showing that number might indeed be an interesting feature in the game analysis.

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