
My apologies to the entire lichess community

Matt bro I was as sincere and honest as I possibly could be. Perhaps my personal reasons shouldn’t have been included. As much as I’d like to provide more details in my personal reasons, none of that matters. It was wrong. I acknowledge my poor choice as being unethical and dishonorable. Your skepticism is without question warranted. I don’t blame you in your skepticism.
Thank you for all of your responses. I accept the criticisms and appreciate the advice. I wish you all well.
Make a new account and play better:) Good luck to you:)
Just make a new account and play fairly. Unless you are a repeat offender the Mods will probably not IP ban you.
Just to clarify 1 point: in a case like this you should always contact lichess and explain the situation ( before making a new account. If it's a first offense we might let you make a new account if you convince us this won't happen again.

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