
multiple premoves?

To use current Lichess premoving system you need a skill.
To make seven moves in a row: you need nothing.
If premoves will take 0,1 sec, you will losing by time in winning positions and multiple premoves won’t help you.
Current system is great, no need to change. Improve your skills instead of creating such threads...
With kb-extension there is a bit different: you need a skill to use kb faster than mouse indeed, but when you’re using it quite well your opponent can’t premove at all, it gives you a huge advantage (kills ultra & partially hyper) and that’s why I consider kb as cheating some way.
@VelociraptorRex if oponent takes one second just to get ready it will be too late and you will have premoved the whole game and the thrill of just watching you moves go by will be amazingi think it will make it better i hope thibault sees this and makes it a new feature! i dissagree,but im only using it if it is not a kb extention
but that kb extention must be banned(which allows multiple premove with no decrement) if this feature is adopted.
If you realize, copying chessdotcom wouldn't be great since they don't have any 15 sec time control unlike lichess. It also won't be effective against kb players because you BOTH will lose 0.1 sec. And because multipremove takes away 0.1 sec, it'd neither be helpful for players with lag.
ifsomeone made an extention with no kb just multimove i will use becauseit feals less cheating if theres no kb involved
@ItsAnonymousAgain, not really. If you will be able to premove several moves forward, for example, I won’t be able to premove at all. Indeed, it will change the hyper and ultrabullet play.
I think that if you want to premove but you can’t, you should just learn how to. It’s quite easy. Trying to change something instead is not the best way, I think.
How are you losing 1 whole sec? don’t understand.

@S_Griffiths, what means “if oponent takes one second just to get ready”? To get ready for what?
Also I would like to say that I have some experience with premoves. And that’s so great when you see you need six moves to checkmate your opponent but you have 0,5 seconds :)
In my game practice such situations happens quite often...

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