
Losing time when network cuts off

@rimac_c2 said in #70:
> Bro the stupid solution youre stating is extremely complex and hardly a 1000 people at max who dont have access to internet would be benefitted. If your whole area net goes out than maybe live in some other place
I’m in one of the biggest developed cities on earth - Paris. And lichess was created there btw
It is not complex, you can make it with basic python knowledge
@I_invented_google Honestly your arguments are utterly stupid, like wtf are you even talking about? Now all of the people that don't support you (aka 99% of Lichess) are against you because they don't want to wait 5 minutes? Like even a 10 year old could detsroy your dumb ideas. instead of trying to find logical solutions you are just giving us weaker and weaker arguments (what's next, in your dimension lichess is diferent so everything you say makes sense and all of our comments are ai generated?) and litterally embarassing yourself in front of us. And these "solutions" are freaking complex (NO, you CAN'T make a feature that affects ALL games with basic python knowledge) don't fix anything and instead create more problems that are even harder to fix .

mods close this thread.

P. S. : change your bio.
@Santiagodm said in #72:
> @I_invented_google Honestly your arguments are utterly stupid, like wtf are you even talking about? Now all of the people that don't support you (aka 99% of Lichess) are against you because they don't want to wait 5 minutes? Like even a 10 year old could detsroy your dumb ideas. instead of trying to find logical solutions you are just giving us weaker and weaker arguments (what's next, in your dimension lichess is diferent so everything you say makes sense and all of our comments are ai generated?) and litterally embarassing yourself in front of us. And these "solutions" are freaking complex (NO, you CAN'T make a feature that affects ALL games with basic python knowledge) don't fix anything and instead create more problems that are even harder to fix .
> mods close this thread.
> P. S. : change your bio.

Firstly, change your attitude, I made a system to stop cheaters
All of lichess is not just you and @for_cryingout_loud lol
There was 2 other guys supporting me also
And yea basic python can change this feature
@I_invented_google said in #73:
> Firstly, change your attitude, I made a system to stop cheaters
> All of lichess is not just you and @for_cryingout_loud lol
> There was 2 other guys supporting me also
> And yea basic python can change this feature

if basic python can do this all then why not do it yourself
go contact the mods
@rimac_c2 said in #74:
> if basic python can do this all then why not do it yourself
> go contact the mods

He does not even need to do that
Just go to the github fork update and then do a pull request
@for_cryingout_loud said in #75:
> He does not even need to do that
> Just go to the github fork update and then do a pull request

yeah, This dude doesnt understand how complex it is to do that and doesnt even understand that how less people would even benefit
@rimac_c2 said in #76:
> yeah, This dude doesnt understand how complex it is to do that and doesnt even understand that how less people would even benefit

Lichess are experienced devs
And a LOT of people would benefit
Lemme estimate the numbers of games like this
@I_invented_google said in #77:
> Lichess are experienced devs
> And a LOT of people would benefit
> Lemme estimate the numbers of games like this

Post all games you have lost due to net
Wont be more than 5
@I_invented_google said in #73:
> Firstly, change your attitude, I made a system to stop cheaters
> All of lichess is not just you and @for_cryingout_loud lol
> There was 2 other guys supporting me also
> And yea basic python can change this feature

You made asystem that makes cheaing easier.
No one supported you.
You can't proggram a feature that affects all games with basic python
And YOU should change your attitude by saying something logical.

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