
Losing time when network cuts off

@I_invented_google said in #100:
> The only logical argument is that YOU decided to call me a kid. And no I never called myself a mature adult, I assume my nature.

Surely I called YOU a kid, but it was because YOU were acting pretty childish and told someone to "f**k off" so unless you want people to confuse you with a 9 y.o. be a little bit more respectful and mature.
@Santiagodm said in #101:
> Surely I called YOU a kid, but it was because YOU were acting pretty childish and told someone to "f**k off" so unless you want people to confuse you with a 9 y.o. be a little bit more respectful and mature.

Respectful for doing what?!
You did literally nothing, not listening to my arguments and getting out stupid arguments out and saying that I say ́bullshit’
Learn to take responsibilities in life.
Now let me do my irl job
@I_invented_google said in #102:
> Respectful for doing what?!
> You did literally nothing, not listening to my arguments and getting out stupid arguments out and saying that I say ́bullshit’
> Learn to take responsibilities in life.
> Now let me do my irl job

What do you mean? The bs part wasn't mine! And I've listened to your arguments 10 times and I still find them nonsensical! Now time to close this thread, please, this "conversation" is going nowhere!
@Santiagodm said in #103:
> What do you mean? The bs part wasn't mine! And I've listened to your arguments 10 times and I still find them nonsensical! Now time to close this thread, please, this "conversation" is going nowhere!

Stop finding excuses.
I found a system to make chess fairer or some people and that can be developed by Lichess. You’re basically arguing with no valid point and then start to insult me (and that is a common strategy to escape a debate that you are losing).
And no, I can’t close the thread.
@I_invented_google said in #104:
> Stop finding excuses.
> I found a system to make chess fairer or some people and that can be developed by Lichess. You’re basically arguing with no valid point and then start to insult me (and that is a common strategy to escape a debate that you are losing).
> And no, I can’t close the thread.

Well, I'm sorry but you're not going to change my point of view at all, your system has been proved wrong by a variety of people, so don't say that i'm losing the debate, you have already lost and just can't get over it.
@Santiagodm said in #105:
> Well, I'm sorry but you're not going to change my point of view at all, your system has been proved wrong by a variety of people, so don't say that i'm losing the debate, you have already lost and just can't get over it.

They have provided non valid arguments. Really, I don’t care if it is only 1% of the community that will benefit: the point is that it will still make chess fairer.
@I_invented_google said in #106:
> They have provided non valid arguments. Really, I don’t care if it is only 1% of the community that will benefit: the point is that it will still make chess fairer.

There were TWO mods against you, so don't complain.
@I_invented_google said in #108:
> That was BEFORE I clarified the system and made it cheat-proof.

It is NOT cheatproof, any system that can give you an auto win IS NOT cheatproof, someone could easily bypass it and get an unfair win, also it would mess up the tournament system, imagine player A is second and player B is first, player A is winning but has less time than player B, (still enough to win) there are only 2 minutes left until the tournament ends and player A knows that this is their last chance, then player B disconnects on purpose and player A waits 5 minutes, meanwhile the tournament ends and A finishes second. Same thing can be done by pretty much everyone in a tournament to ruin other player's runs, and it would be bad sportmanship.

Also it would be extremely hard to implement, (a system that is used in every single game is hard to implement, ask the devs if you want)
@Santiagodm said in #109:
> It is NOT cheatproof, any system that can give you an auto win IS NOT cheatproof, someone could easily bypass it and get an unfair win, also it would mess up the tournament system, imagine player A is second and player B is first, player A is winning but has less time than player B, (still enough to win)

It is not less time according to my system then it means ENOUGH time. Also this can happen with current system, Player B can just let the clock tick down and he wins the tournament. Let me change my system:

- A lot of time left with big advantage = auto win
- Not enough time with big advantage = cancel game after 5 minutes
- Enough time time = opponent time and no advantage = cancel game after 5 minutes
- Not enough time and no advantage = auto loss after 5 minutes
- Not enough time and losing game = auto loss
In all cases, IF SOMEONE USES THIS SYSTEM in more than 40% of his games in one week = punishment

> Also it would be extremely hard to implement, (a system that is used in every single game is hard to implement, ask the devs if you want)

It is very easy, make 2 variables centipawn advantage and time left and make some conditions with the programming language.

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