
Letting time run out instead of resigning will result in a temporary ban.

Actually I had this message from time to time as well. Sometimes in a lost position I couldn't find something satisfactory and bam, time-out. So what, I do not think that I am meant. I just ignore it.
That isn't what we are talking about. Someone just ups and leaves with 1-3 min left on the clock just to be rude or pout.

Again, you block him and that is it - that is minority here...
The most of people want to play chess, not some other weird games...

I simply failing to understand such hostile attitide to all players... However, all is wrote here already, who want to understand then fine, who don't, fine again, no point to repeat.
That's all it is, a warning: don't keep consistently engaging in this sort of behavior. If you are having such internet connection issues and care so much about your blitz rating, don't play rated blitz. If you think this is a "hostile attitude to all players", I'd suggest you might be projecting. You are overreacting, pal.
If someone would tell me how to block someone, I would appreciate it.
Well, here we go again. After premoving a blunder at move 12, SOKRATES70 just lets his clock run
down. This behaviour should not be tolerated - anyone doing this more than once should be banned
for good. This kind of thing is what ruined FICS (as well as bad mouthing).
@lrmead You do get bans for doing this. Perhaps it's because you only play casual games? Try rated ones and see what happens.

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