
Less opacity in the reporting process


Someone I reported & blocked in August for cheating suspicion, was taken down for TOS violation a few days ago.

I know this because I follow my blocked users list on excel...

Of course, my report went into oblivion at the time and I didn't receive any of my points back...

I'm sure someone will explain that the said player maybe didn't cheat during my game against him. Sure.

Still, since the whole thing is starting to pissing me off, I would like to recall one last time those topics :
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@kinsana said in #1:
> Hi,
> Someone I reported & blocked in August for cheating suspicion, was taken down for TOS violation a few days ago.
> I know this because I follow my blocked users list on excel...
> Of course, my report went into oblivion at the time and I didn't receive any of my points back...
> I'm sure someone will explain that the said player maybe didn't cheat during my game against him. Sure.
> Still, since the whole thing is starting to pissing me off, I would like to recall one last time those topics :

the reason for no refund is:

Now why cant there be more transparency is simple
If lichess denys reports as in topic 1
that starts a witch hunt in the forms of people complainng
which is not what lichess wants hence the no public shaming rule

if lichess makes a status like revived looked at completed
or any other form of update
people could just check and see if x was banned and then the witch hunt begins again

The only thing i can think of is how many people are banned in a day which as i said before is a terrible stat because higher and lower is better
So they are going off the premise that a cheater won't leave the site and come back under another account?
@for_cryingout_loud said in #3:
Yeah we don't need a witch hunt against people that cheat. That would be really mean. The last thing we want is people upset at the cheaters for being screwed out of rating and wanting to be compensated for it. Just have faith that the staff handles it effectively over a month later.
@TheyAreScaryMoves said in #4:
> So they are going off the premise that a cheater won't leave the site and come back under another account?

cheaters get shadow banned so they cant see the ban which stops them from making a new account because they dont know they banned
@for_cryingout_loud said in #6:
> cheaters get shadow banned so they cant see the ban which stops them from making a new account because they dont know they banned

That is very naive thinking. If they are "banned" (I thought that would mean their account was closed) and their account was NOT closed, all they have to do is check with another browser, or they can look at their opponent's profile. If their opponent has a red mark (which is some flavor of a ban?) then it is highly likely they also have something similar. All this does is buy time until they find out.

However, it doesn't stop the inevitable. They will come back under another account.
@for_cryingout_loud said in #6:
How are they shadowbanned? So you mean to tell me that it is literally a policy to leave cheaters on the site?

If they are in some cheater pool then wouldn't they figure that out quick anyway? Not that I'm shocked they're allowed to stay given the sheer prevalence of cheats, but it seems a little daft to be like "oh they wont figure it out so just ignore them and leave it".
@for_cryingout_loud said in #9:
> @Erisian @TheyAreScaryMoves
> this answers all of our questions straight from lichess:
Nice. A youtube link that doesn't work. You sure showed me, champ. And whatever they said, I'm sure it's totally smart. What can be smarter for a chess site than "let the cheaters stay and just hope nobody notices they are in a tiny pool of other cheaters". That's so smart and brilliant. Not like all those other sites and their silly "banning the cheating accounts and getting rid of them".

Who in their right minds made a decision this patently absurd? Did some reddit mod get ahold of the site and thinks shadowbanning just works everywhere?

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