
Independent form for reporting cheaters

Dear admins, I feel like the form for reporting cheaters is not helping either the user nor the reviewer.
If I may suggest a change, we could have an independent form that should link the game automatically.
I can see an improvement having a button, after the game analysis has been done, where we could link the game instead of having to copy a url on a text box. Ideally we could select the moves that we believe are extraordinary and likely to lead to a player that is using external help.

After having collected a dataset of information that could be automatically gathered by:
1. Clicking on a button on the actual game, hence the game is directly linked.
2. A List of check boxes where we could select the suspicious moves. That would definitely help instead of having to go through every single move.
3. If you wish , a quick description, like the form that is currently happening and is provided, in order to send a few lines with some comments that might help the reviewer.

After this data has been put together I believe the report could help any automation process as well as any review that could be done by an admin.
I agree and and think that would solve the issue where it sometimes(not always) takes a really long time for a cheater to get banned/officially detected.
I believe this for the following reasons:
An improved and dedicated cheating form would...
... increase the number of reports, while simplifying the evaluation process and hence reduce the review time(especially with partly automated review)
-> more information within shorter time
... increase the quality of a cheat-related user report, by guiding and supporting the accusing player in while making the report
-> more complete reports(game links...), better formal structure of the reports
... help players perceive that reporting cheaters is taken very seriously

In addition to the already suggested improvements
I would also like another idea to be discussed:
I think there is very little data about how cheating is seen by the players in general.
For example: How high do people think is the percentage of cheating players ? And how correct are they?
This might be improved by asking players after every game, if they think that their opponent played fair or not.
The resulting data would not only make statistical analysis, regarding the above question, possible, but also might be a factor in future anti-cheat systems.
Obviously neither of you understand how handling of reports works, and thus what the cheat detection team wants or needs from user reports. You should let moderators worry about whether the data gathered in those reports are useful or not.

@hepta203 said in #2:
> I agree and and think that would solve the issue where it sometimes(not always) takes a really long time for a cheater to get banned/officially detected.

Let me be very clear about this: No, it would certainly not.
Thanks for your kind reply.

But despite your rigorous answer I unfortunately still have a question or two.

How does the handling of reports work?
Since you mentioned that it is obvious, that neither of understands how the handling of reports works, it has to be common knowledge how this "handling process" works. I don't think that this is the case though.
Therefore it would be great if you could explain it to us.

@anonmod said in #3:
> Let me be very clear about this: No, it would certainly not.

In order to actually be clear about it, it would be nice if you explained why.
-> Why would an improved report form, not help with detecting some cheating players faster?

Eagerly waiting for your reply...
When a mod replies like that we are lost. That mod only replied to point out that we have no clue of what we are talking about. In a very unfriendly manner, by the way.

Let's see if there is any reply to hepta203. I doubt so.
> For example: How high do people think is the percentage of cheating players ? And how correct are they?

They tend to overestimate it, if anything.

> When a mod replies like that we are lost. That mod only replied to point out that we have no clue of what we are talking about

which you indeed don't have. And if it's unfriendly to you, it doesn't change that it's right.

Many reports already consist of just a copypasted game link. But it's better if there's more to it. Gather several games, and make your words why you feel this should be investigated, if you really care about it.
@Cedur216 said in #7:

They tend to overestimate it, if anything.

This is not a helpful answer. In fact this only points out, that the knowledge about the topic is rather fuzzy and rarely backed up with statistics.
Also adding "if anything" doesn't really make sense.
@Cedur216 said in #7:
> They tend to overestimate it, if anything.

I like this place and have great esteem for all the works people have done here, but I don't really understand that answer.

How did you know people overestimate cheater percentage, if such percentage is unknown to everyone?

Did you mean that they tend to overestimate in comparison to yours evaluation?

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