
I am confused
''If you want to be allowed to create a new account, just admit to what you did, and show that you understood that it was a mistake.''
But as far as I know, ban evasion is illegal.Can someone explain?
It's not ban evasion, if they were allowed to create a new account.
The answer to this I think is don't cheat - and then you won't have to deal with that unpleasant question. @AOOP09
Is it ban evasion as well if you appeal a chatban by admitting your mistakes and the mods reinstate your privileges? Well no, it's the normal way to go. Except that for ToS mark, you still have to go on a new account. But you can do it with permission from the mods, after you admitted your wrongdoing. Whereas ban evading is against the staff's permission.
@AOOP09 Thank you. The answer to many questions is, don't do it.

"What happens when I jump of this building?"

Don't do it. Don't jump off a building.

Just like don't cheat.
So the question was "Can someone explain?", and the answer is "Don't do it" .. errr

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