
[feature request] Responsive website

Lichess's screen real estate is unfortunately very limited to a fixed size. For example,

Look at all that spaced marked with red. Monitors are getting bigger and bigger, with introduction of 4K and 5K, we no longer live in the 1366x768 era. Hence, it makes sense for lichess to slowly catch up.

Look at how the move explorer container is squeezed tightly with opening explorer, along with computer lines at the top. It reminds me of this picture:

The modern web is all about responsive websites. With bootstrap and the like catching popularity, it is becoming increasingly important for the website the "respond" to a user's screen size.

This could mean bigger game explorer container, larger stat box at the bottom, bigger graphs, and a separate or larger section for opening explorer and engine analysis lines. It's time to stop being miserable and confined to a small screen space and liberate ourselves to all the pixels available.

Thanks for considering this in the next series of updates to the user interface.
@bufferunderrun At the expense of making a ginormous chess board, the side bar sections can fill the screen per your suggestion.

There is really no need for side bars to be the same height as the chess board. I'd like to think if I select the size of the chess board, only the chess board size should change. The side bars size should be changing with the size of the window.
You are free to adjust the sizes with your own userstyles, for example using Stylus.

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