
Distracting Checkmark when completing puzzles

Recently, on the web version of lichess, a green checkmark appears for each correct move during a puzzle - I'm wondering if this could be made optional, as it clutters the board a little and I think it's a bit distracting.

As far as I can tell, there isn't a setting to remove it.
I think this is coming from the same person that decided to redo the cursor about a month ago. We don't need to make the lichess look like the chess.wrongsite interface.

Leave well enough alone. What on earth does adding a silly check mark beside the piece do besides gamify the puzzles even more?
I would very much prefer this to be _off_ by default, as I play puzzles to pass time on many devices on which I'm not logged in.
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I agree that the check mark and x are distracting and annoying. I would like to turn it off.
I just came to the forums to make a post asking how to turn this off.

The chess board is for the chess pieces and only the chess pieces.
It's bad enough that the checkmark was added, but it's inexcusable that there is no way to turn it off.
By the way, I'm sure the developers will be well aware of this phenomenon already, but it's worth pointing out that players, all of us, generally only react to a change if we dislike it. Storms of protest therefore don't necessarily mean an unpopular change.

My own immediate gut reaction to seeing the new green checkmark on the board when completing a puzzle a few days ago was: "oh, that's nice!"

The fact that this free site is still being constantly worked on to this day by its enthusiastic team of developers is something I really appreciate and I'm sure most other players here feel the same.