
Chess puzzle rating reset error?

I think it's a bug, because on your profile is: "Puzzles: 1" and I see that you have played more puzzles.
Last night I had a rating of 3000 in tactical tasks. When I just logged in it was apparently only a rating of 1500. Can this rating be restored? Now i play me Back to 2500 But its Rly hard...
I've been doing some clean up in the database. Turns out, there are hundreds of players who spend a lot of time cheating at puzzles.

Normally we don't care at all, because they're only cheating themselves. Puzzles are not a competition.

But it appeared that they're harming the puzzle rating system, at the very highest 0.1% range of puzzles.

So I've been dropping some unbelievably high puzzle ratings to discourage that toxic behaviour. Next, I think I will make it so the puzzle rating is only visible to self, and not to other players.

If your puzzle rating was dropped, and you never cheated at puzzles, I'm sorry! There are probably a few false positives. Your rating is now provisional, so just quickly play some puzzles, by setting the difficulty to "Hardest", and you'll get back there in no time. Playing puzzles should not be too much of a chore to you, I hope.

If you cheated at puzzles, then I'm not sorry. It seems that you wasted your time, and mine.
Omg so sad why people even cheat puzzle if "view solution" is right there? Also, would it be ok if you liked a puzzle, that battled the rest of it out with a AI to see how it works?
Why would you cheat at puzzles. Seems so counter intuitive.
Yeah I don't know. Ask those who downvoted my post above ;)
Cheating at puzzles xd to get some funny numbers next to your name xd for some appreciation or awe i guess, poor low esteem guys, though its true that all kind of social media and platforms does it to people - craving for likes and recognition. Myself get kind of happy for a moment when i get i like or comment somewhere, be it twitter or youtube. Strange times. Cheating at puzzles xd I didn't expect that xd
Making puzzle rating visible only to self is really an innovative solution for this problem. Kudos

Can anyone explain in what sense is it hard to moderate puzzles? The Other site does have a puzzle leaderboard etc. What are they doing differently?

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