
Can't see followers on profile

Well thinking about it for short, it's not that weird. Just quite suddenly happening without announcement.

I used to track all of my followers on a pastebin, and I can still do that. Once I was followed by some Italian guy and quickly unfollowed later. I saw that he's doing nothing but following random people all the time, passively earning hundreds of refollows
There is a problem that how can I see my following list? I can't see that how many people I am following. If I want to unfollow some old account which is not been used for months then how can I do it? And as lichess only allows to follow 400 people I don't follow all of my friends, but they follow me and sometimes I go through my followers lists and if I see the online the I challenge them or talk to them.
Lichess can add that only the user can see his/her followers and following list.
@benwerner said in #7:
> Would indeed be a very weird glitch if it weren't intentional, lol
> Though admittedly weirder stuff has happened before by accident.

Ah, so this is intentional, great update!
Hopefully a lot of the advertising stops now, although team advertisements are still a problem.

@JanMur7 said in #9:
> @MenacingFierceTiger followers are still there but they are not visible because that wasn’t the meaning of follows. It was only to see them and be able to see what they do and when they are online. What is the point of having them when they add absolutely nothing apart from negative things like advertising and bragging. It has become some sort of competition, with no actual winner. I am not very concerned about this update: It doesn’t change the purpose of why the website was made - it was made so everyone could play chess for free.

I didn't know this was intentional, I totally agree with you and I am happy that this update has been made
@TCF_Namelecc said in #11:
> This is just an overreaction to dumb kids doing follow-for-follow stuff. Let them have their fun. If followers are so insignificant (which they are), then why do you care that people are "exchanging" them?
It has a significant impact on Lichess' infrastructure. For example, it causes massive creation of alt accounts, abuse of legitimate features like classes, it's part of the reason for the mass team DM spams, team advertisement DMs and forum posts, the former two at least requiring significant amounts of storage space, and surely more.

Quite a few features related to followers are actually quite resource-intensive since many things are suddenly multiplied by the number of followers. Somebody follows a person, boom, timeline entry to everybody. Post a forum post, hundreds of notifications again. Like a blog post, same again. There's really no need to make this any worse by encouraging people to rake up hundreds or thousands of followers.

And all of this ofc also has to be managed by moderators.

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