
Can't see followers on profile

Oh, I also made a topic about it. Such a weird glitch, hope it gets fixed soon.
Would indeed be a very weird glitch if it weren't intentional (which it is), lol

Though admittedly weirder stuff has happened before by accident.

It is intentional, the goal is to reduce “followers trade”, albeit how it’s implemented might change. Why are you checking this number?
@MenacingFierceTiger followers are still there but they are not visible because that wasn’t the meaning of follows. It was only to see them and be able to see what they do and when they are online. What is the point of having them when they add absolutely nothing apart from negative things like advertising and bragging. It has become some sort of competition, with no actual winner. I am not very concerned about this update: It doesn’t change the purpose of why the website was made - it was made so everyone could play chess for free.
Oof. That's some very weird and spontaneous decision. You can still see everyone's number and list of followers by adding "/followers" to the profile URL
This is just an overreaction to dumb kids doing follow-for-follow stuff. Let them have their fun. If followers are so insignificant (which they are), then why do you care that people are "exchanging" them?

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