
Any game longer than 300 moves adjudicated as a draw?

If you play 1/4+4 playing on will take much longer: 200 moves with 4 seconds Increment last up to 1600 seconds. After 100 moves he has maybe 300 seconds left.
@Chillkroete77 : Only if he uses his time. Which he hopefully does not. Instead, most players save their time to let it run out 1 move before check mate could happen.

Even if it takes longer, it feels less boring, cause at least I have moves to do (time is felt relative. A clock can run fast, or it can feel very slow. We all know that 5 min left in a tournament game can feel very little, but to wait for a bus for 5 minutes can feel very long):

here again a game, where I sneaked up close to move 300. Previously he got always slower as soon as I approached his king and he was in danger to get check mated. But close to 300, he surely was hoping for a draw according to the 301 move rule, so he risked the check mate, hoping that I would not know about it. Of course I used the first opportunity to check mate him. Faster check mate wasnt possible, he would not have let it happen.

30 normal moves followed by 270 moves of BS and trolling. Useless crap but go ahead, it‘s your time and energy.
on both sides, though. and the way I see it, my only alternative had been to try to checkmate him and then wait until he lets his time run out (1 move before check mate can happen). If you follow the link to the game, you can see that he started playing slower as soon as I was just 2 or 3 moves away from check mate.

"How about a ban for 10 minutes for both sides after such a game has ended?" So the losing side should be punished if his opponent doesn't dare checkmating?

BTW, when, 2-3 moves before checkmate, the losing side plays slower, it is NOT to let time run out; it is, often, to find a way to last for some extra moves. That's called REFLEXION.
Trolling by not checkmating for 300 moves is punished (by a forced draw).
Trolling by letting the clock run out one move before mate is punished, too (by a ban after repeated offense)(this is actually easier to spot for the algorithms if you push for a mate and he has to let his time run out in only a couple of moves, instead of giving him 200+ moves to spread out that wasted time (and if you play with increment, you allow him to waste even more time)).

I really, really don't know where the problem is.
What's the longest (in number of moves) ultra bullet game on lichess?

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