Learn openings.
Practice endgames.
Do a lot of puzzles.
Know the most common checkmate patterns.
Choose a long time control.
Practice endgames.
Do a lot of puzzles.
Know the most common checkmate patterns.
Choose a long time control.
My experience:
It is useful to take a book on strategy, like Pachman's and work thru it on a physical board. It's also useful to take a book of annotated GM games and play thru them. One thing you didnt mention was endgames. Lots of strategy books start with explaining how MG ideas transition to winning endgames and how they are won.
Beyond that I think it's 'whack a mole' :
play games. make mistakes, analyze games from both sides, record and study tactics you missed, when you are drifting in a middlegame look up the structure in a MG book and play thru GM games w. explanations there, ...
basically, identify errors and correct as they occur.
It is useful to take a book on strategy, like Pachman's and work thru it on a physical board. It's also useful to take a book of annotated GM games and play thru them. One thing you didnt mention was endgames. Lots of strategy books start with explaining how MG ideas transition to winning endgames and how they are won.
Beyond that I think it's 'whack a mole' :
play games. make mistakes, analyze games from both sides, record and study tactics you missed, when you are drifting in a middlegame look up the structure in a MG book and play thru GM games w. explanations there, ...
basically, identify errors and correct as they occur.
I am taking classes online. My email id is : thirushankar1108@gmail.com. You can join. You can see the progress yourself.
Shankar T R
Shankar T R
My best tip is: read some books.
Or watch relevant YouTube videos by popular chess stars!
Dont blunder
@MrPushwood said in #5:
> My best tip is: read some books.
Can U name some books that u think are good
> My best tip is: read some books.
Can U name some books that u think are good
@chesschamp_2011 said in #8:
> Can U name some books that u think are good
If I had to pick one book to start with, it would be a tactics puzzle book--100%. They are easy to understand and yield the greatest gains in the beginning.
> Can U name some books that u think are good
If I had to pick one book to start with, it would be a tactics puzzle book--100%. They are easy to understand and yield the greatest gains in the beginning.
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