
Your favorite part in chess

i think i'm a positional player not sure about my favorite part of game though
@Pi_Addict111 if you like attacking, I think it's better for you to play 1.e4 ! I understand that it's a huge change, but don't be afraid to do that. I think I am also better attacking player, I was playing d4 for years but recently I started to change to e4.
@Fmuror02 Like T. Petrosian he was also attacking only when the position is perfect :) why don't you work on your weaknesses like on endgame?
I don't have strong preferences, but I do enjoy the late middlegame -- and rook endgames.
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Seriously there's no one in universe whose favourite part is 'getting stalemated'?
Thanks for the advice. I will take it into account. Can you recommend me a book or something for endgames?

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