
Will I get banned if my puzzle rating is too high and game rating too low?

I like puzzles but am too nervous to play against people. I haven't played many games here but I think my game rating would be 100s or maybe 200s according to another site. Will I get banned for sandbagging or something if my game rating drops too low while my puzzle rating is ~2000?
I am also very nervous in live games. My solution is correspondance - you can think as long as you want but it is still a game. It is somehow a mixture of playing games and solving puzzles. I prefer the longer time controls but I don't have time to play a game that lasts 2 hours without interruption. In blitz my heartbeat and blood pressure go up - I don't think that's healthy :) So correspondence is a good compromise.
Concerning the ban: if you don't cheat, it should be very, very unlikely that you get banned. False positives are hopefully extremely rare and the rating differences should not be a criteria for the detection algorithm.
It's acknowledged here that the puzzle rating is often much higher than the game ratings. My puzzle rating has on occasions in the past been more than 400 points higher than my classical rating, and that is not unusual. I believe action is taken to obscure the puzzle rating if it goes over 2500 when the classical rating is less than 1800, which is a really huge difference to allow for.

The puzzle rating is a nice way to monitor our own progress in puzzles, but it makes little sense to make serious comparisons with other players' puzzle ratings because people approach the puzzles differently. We're allowed to take as much or as little time over the puzzles as we like.
from personal experience, no. Solving puzzles and playing games are not comparable. In a puzzle, you know there are tactics and have infinite time to study the position and find it. In a game you often have no tactics and just need to find improving moves or strategic themes and unless its correspondence, there is a time limit.
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Yes, you will be banned after I get married.
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