
Why resign?

I am one of those players that resigns way too early. Usually I will resign immediately if I get down a piece with no compensation in the position. The reason I do that is mainly out of a hatred for playing losing positions and also due to the fact that I like to that my opponents who have played many more games than myself will convert a winning position.
I have played chess mostly against 1 person for the last 3 years and we always let each other play until checkmate so the winning player gets the satisfaction!
I can understand this not being relevant in competitions or at top levels but for us, it's nice to be able to play through until checkmate. Just an opinion :)
@BabaYagaOmega there are two ways people think some like their opponent to play till checkmate and others like their opponent to resign in a losing position
@Mahith1708 That's fair. Like I said, I've mostly played against just 1 person and we like to play until checkmate. Just thought I'd put it out there as no-one else had
If you are the opponent's ratings is 2100+ then there is no point, as the chance that he/she will blunder a winning position (like +4) is pretty slim, any opponent under that is fair game, he has to prove to me that he knows how to convert a winning position into a win.
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