
Why resign?

I really don't know why one should resign. I want the answer.
Because Top Level players can see a lost position a mile away, thats just my guess, I dont always resign straight away, but in serious Club matches its just better to resign in a lost position, or would I want to torture myself playing a lost game out?
Aiming for stalemate or a comeback, is it worth it?
If you can calculate it.....only...
To save time.
There is always the chance that one will come back from a losing position.
But the chance(at high levels at least) is very low.
Better to admit defeat and go solve puzzles or take a walk or analyze the game.
Sure sometimes people resign games that they would have won if they hadn't.
But competition is not about winning "some" games. It is about winning the most games possible.
Resigning and doing puzzles or any other good chess training will make sure you lose less games than never resigning will.
And some people resign because they consider it to be "good sportsmanship".
My thoughts.
The losing Player, won't gain anything out of playing til the end, for example R+K vs K is a forced Checkmate, why would I want to look silly getting mated, when I already know the result?
Is that heroic?
never resign. If you resign, then there is no need to play chess
The only reason for me to not resign in a clearly lost position would be if my opponent has a beautiful checkmate pattern and I just want to let him have his fun :)
Somethimes you dont need to resign if the opponent dont know how to solve the endgame like Knight and biscop

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