
Why is it so eady for everybody to force me into a losing position in correspondence?

I hardly think that's the answer! 3.Nc3 has been played for centuries and is practically the "main line". While 3.Nd2 has gained in popularity recently, Nc3 is still a good try for an advantage. @SavageAntarctican was winning in the game until he blundered the g2-pawn.
@iBishop I didn't actually analyze this game in particular, I just looked at the moves OP played in general and pointed a few out that I thought are dubious. Sure, Nc3 is the main line, but as a beginner there are certain lines that are easier to play - so knowing a bit of theory definitely helps figure that out.
I feel like castling when queen moved to g4 wouldve been a good idea-
@ak909 Castling there drops my castled rook to avoid checkmate after an immediate Bh6. I was going for the poisoned pawn variation

EDIT: I'm able to defend it but he gains huge initiative in that position, he can later aim both his bishops at my kingside with ease
19 Bb5+ is a blunder that should never happen in correspondence. White was winning and in one move loses.

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