
why i'm getting worse

@thekid456 ya but ... when your rated 1000 and cant get better its tactics first everything else second. At 1000 to 1300 your hanging pieces left and right not studying why the maroxy bind is worth a quarter of a pawn or not
Start first with strategy, then endgames, and lastly openings and tactics.
It is really important to have a general idea of what your plan is in a game, and to be able to win won endgames.
Tactics and openings are less important, as tactics rarely happen in games, and openings aren't important till expert level.
I find an good half a dozen beers before I start always improves my game. And even when it doesn't I always feel good about my game anyway. Damn good! A few before and a few during is what I recommend.
Do you use the "learn from your mistakes" or "practice against computer" buttons in game analysis? Those help me a lot.

Even when playing rematches, I usually open the game analysis in a new tab (central mouse click in most browsers on PC). That gives me 3-4 tabs with matches to analyse after I played my rematches. Usually that is already good enough to find patterns (hanging pieces, opening traps, unpunished blunders) in your game that you could learn from.

Also try playing winning positions out against Stockfish 9 ("practice against the computer"). That is what lets me stay vigilant even when the game is seemingly won (e.g. rook+3pawns v bishop ending) as the computer will recklessly show you all possible risks.
@ginja Sorry man I couldn't play the link you sent. Though I do like Mitchell and Webb. Also like Peepshow - have you seen that?
@Requir #13
"...tactics rarely happen in games..."
This is true. But it doesn't mean you don't need to study tactics. If you think about it, the reason they don't appear as often is because the players in the game strive to avoid them. You can't avoid the enemy that you can't see.
Playing one or two hour everyday is more powerful and productive than playing 5 hours a day without getting rest for a while.

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