
Why do you lose rating when you draw?

I played a game today and I agreed a draw with my opponent. And my opponent gets +2 rating, and I get -46. Why is that??
look up Arapad Elo Wiki ... To get a historical view ... Lichess Rating system another player will post the link i'm sure ... so many here are so knowledgeable @cluckmax ... There is an old book The Ratings of chessplayers past to present ... which needs an update lol but still interesting reading how the greats compared ... ELO
so basically, if u have lower elo, and draw with a person having higher elo than u you will get +0 or more rating points. Similarly if u have higher elo than your opponent and u draw you will get +0 or (-)rating points.

btw u only got -42
@cluckmax said in #1:
> I played a game today and I agreed a draw with my opponent. And my opponent gets +2 rating, and I get -46. Why is that??

you had done a DRAW OFFER I think that's why it happened if it was a stalemate it would have been +0
@Darlock21 said in #4:
> you had done a DRAW OFFER I think that's why it happened if it was a stalemate it would have been +0
no no, only result means anything draw is draw regardless how it happens just as win is a win.
A draw is 1/2 win and 1/2 loss. Rating is evaluated for each and averaged. So if your opponent is lower rated you lose a few points in a draw. If higher rated, you gain a few points.
When determining how many rating points you gain or loose after a game, in short the following is taken into consideration:

- the result (win, loss, or draw) - no matter how it was achieved. Maybe you were lucky, your opponent blundered a queen, or time ran out etc... it all doesn't matter. For calculating the rating change, a win is a win and a loss is a loss and a draw is a draw.

- your own and your opponent's ratings before the game . Winning against a higher-rated opponent gives you more points than winning against an equal opponent; That also means drawing against a lower-rated opponent will lead to you loosing a few points (as the expectation based on your rating difference would be that you'd win - you didn't win, so your rating needs adjustment).

- something called "rating deviation"- in short, a measure how reliable("stable") your rating is. If your rating deviation is high (e.g. because you didn't play many games yet), you gain and loose more points , everything else being equal.

For details see here:

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