
Why do I loose as black ?

Chess is a draw with best play from both sides, but the path to the draw is wide for white and narrow for black, black has more pitfalls he can stumble into.
@CARLSENisBack You are literally a 1300 and you are giving advice to a player who is 1700 rated. I mean, ok if teaching suits you.

And also Sicillian IS the best opening by Black.

>but in my opinion its not a very good opening to play as there are loads of lines you have to study.
Unfortunately for you, if you want good results you have to study your opening of choice thoroughly (You can't just not study and expect good results)
"Unfortunately for you, if you want good results you have to study your opening of choice thoroughly (You can't just not study and expect good results)"
Oh no. Capablanca did not study openings and was often out of book on move 5 or 6 and he was World Champion and he rarely lost any game. His widow corroborated that he did not study and did not even own a chess set, only a few chess books. If you want good results then you must not study openings, but train tactics and study endgames instead.
@tpr True, Capablanca did not study any opening theory but his time and our time is quite different. In the modern chess world, you must study your opening of choice to get a good position in the middlegame.
Yes, in our time you can no longer become World Champion without study of opening theory, but I know several international masters who go a long way without any opening theory at all. Kasparov said a player should study opening theory after he becomes a grandmaster and from then on that uses up most of his time.
Yes. White has an advantage. They dictate the rythm and they have the initiative. With perfect play, they will not relinquish that initiative, black can hope only for a draw, and if you make a mistake, not even that. The problem that you might have is that you are actively try to win as black. Thats a nono.

Try to win as white. Try to draw as black. Or in other words. As white, use openings that seek initiative and very aggressive attack. As black, try to find openings that nullify that advantage.

I found myself stuck at 1800~ish for a long time. I have not really improved at all, in fact i think i got worse tactically speaking. But i did changed my black openings and im managing to draw as black more consistently. I hover the 2000~ now.

Just a switch of mentality and openings to fit that thought.

There is no "best" opening as black in amateur levels. There are hidden tactics and traps in many openings. If your opponent is not familiar with the tactical advantages of an opening, thats your best opening against him. But this will vary according to the opponent, and you wont know his weakness from the get go.

So what i did instead is to pick stable openings. Modern scandinavian against e4 (but be prepared to play the french, though most prefer not to, so boring as white). And Benko against d4-c4. Between those 3 openings, there is a lot less material to study than the sicilian alone, and give you stable positions. Not winning, stable positions that nullify most white advantage and present scenarios where you can draw consistently, but exploitable for advantage if your opponent made a mistake.

That worked for me, you might want to find something that suits your gamestyle, but if you are losing a lot as black, you should reconsider your repertoire, or refine it.

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