
Why are ya'll here on lichess so aggressive and dirty?

There are natural players on this website too every chess website has good and bad players, that's life. Accept what you cannot change and you'll be happier. xxx
@BadAtBlindfold said in #1:
> This isn't a callout post, because I genuinlly believe that everyone here plays such dirty chess. - I'm not saying its a bad thing, but from playing OTB chess, to playing here; there is an unrespectable amount of people who play cheap chess.
> If you're 500-1000, you are going to be scholars mated in every game
> If you're 1000-1200, half of all your opponents will lineup their bishops to your queen anticipating a premove
> If you're 1200-1500, nearly two-thirds of your opponets will play a dubious oppening with anticpated tricks and traps (Stafford gambit, Scandy, Grob, Mad Dog Attack, Fried Liver, [The Traxler], Englund Gambit)
> If you're 1500+, you're going to get flagged out of your mind- your oppenent will throw in multiple Botez Gambits, do you dirty in exchanges by placing their pieces at attacked squares, - You will be lefonged by the most unanticipated of moves sequances.
> I think Chess Network called this style of play as "Hope Chess" where you hope your oppenent blunders more times than he thinks his way out. He ellaborates saying that it is not benefitial to chess growth, because you're never learning or advancing; never making brilliances or outstanding tactical play.
> I have become a worse chess player by playing against these dirty players, and having played these dirty moves.


Everything you say is completely true for any online chess site.

For example, I know a guy who got to 2500 bullet on by lefonging everybody he sees. Since then, I've never played bullet.

Hence, I don't really play online in either or lichess anymore. When I do, I play really casually. The only reason why I play on lichess is to keep the 2300 rating role in a discord I'm in.
"I'm not saying its a bad thing, but from playing OTB chess, to playing here; there is an unrespectable amount of people who play cheap chess."

Splendidly not saying anything bad about!
<Comment deleted by user>
Well, I kinda agree with this guy, actually. Playing all those bad players will not really make you improve that much. If you play with good players, you get good training, but kinda the opposite with weaker players. But I think someone said something really smart, and that was that the only thing to do is to GeT BeTtEr. It is your problem that you cannot beat those "cheap players". If you are not better than them, then you can't really say anything. And I would suggest to you to look up how to beat those cheap players, but I personally have found that playing professional always will be better than playing cheap. Because if you play this dirty play, then you will sometime find a time when you never will come further.

At last I will say that I understand your opinion and that you want to improve, but I think that this time, you really can't blame the whole Lichess community. Good luck, further, boy! :)
Did the OP ever acknowledge that he should probably be playing longer games and what he's describing only happens in bullet or blitz?
Chess requires us to be aggressive otherwise we will get crushed by opponents during the game. But i did not understand what you exactly meant with dirty. Are we really dirty?
You can choose to play opponents 100 points and above higher than you. This results to longer waiting time but it's worth it as you aren't paired against dirty players (hopefully). Use "Create a Game".
@ezethebest said in #30:
> Steven He knows how to manage you. If you get that joke you're a legend
for those who didnt get it - ur a failure
* throws shoe on floor *

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