
Why are ya'll here on lichess so aggressive and dirty?

I am a 1100-1400 in my games I just find opening like Italian, Ruiz López, Many people play D4, it's hard and boring for me, I just need for experience. I try to caron Kahn, for doing better for me.
@BadAtBlindfold said in #11:
> @ezethebest Does school teach you unfounded concepts that build inseficiant ground for life aspects you'll face later in life? Yes, but should they? NO. Quit playing cheap tricks and employ REAL tactics and stradegy that make you a stronger player. Quit playing against players who just want an extra rating point at no cost to thier willpower to become better.
> What am I saying? Yeah nevermind. Why learn 7 different variations of the sicillian, when I can just play 'the undefeated Englund trap'.
> Why go into engame theory, when I can just flag my opponennt? and if I get flag- then hey, that's just the game; I just wasnt tricky and fast enough.
> C'mon man.

make that two essays you could've gotten an A+ on. Did I read anything? nope. I have things to do such as sleep. i'll answer this tomorrow. Maybe
@ezethebest said in #22:
> make that two essays you could've gotten an A+ on. Did I read anything? nope. I have things to do such as sleep. i'll answer this tomorrow. Maybe
@BadAtBlindfold said in #11:
> @ezethebest Does school teach you unfounded concepts that build inseficiant ground for life aspects you'll face later in life? Yes, but should they? NO. Quit playing cheap tricks and employ REAL tactics and stradegy that make you a stronger player. Quit playing against players who just want an extra rating point at no cost to thier willpower to become better.
> What am I saying? Yeah nevermind. Why learn 7 different variations of the sicillian, when I can just play 'the undefeated Englund trap'.
> Why go into engame theory, when I can just flag my opponennt? and if I get flag- then hey, that's just the game; I just wasnt tricky and fast enough.
> C'mon man.
My sleep has been interrupted by barking dogs so here's your answer. You sound like That Vegan teacher (just joking). Maybe you should do a tiktok/youtube and make a channel. Since you didn't want to send the essay I'm sure they'll like a youtube channel. + If you don't like lichess so much why are you using it? Chesskid is always waiting for you. Good luck with how many subs you get. Wish you all the best!
Edit: on the chess I kinda agree on you though but not on everything.
@BadAtBlindfold said in #11:
> @ezethebest Does school teach you unfounded concepts that build inseficiant ground for life aspects you'll face later in life? Yes, but should they? NO. Quit playing cheap tricks and employ REAL tactics and stradegy that make you a stronger player. Quit playing against players who just want an extra rating point at no cost to thier willpower to become better.
> What am I saying? Yeah nevermind. Why learn 7 different variations of the sicillian, when I can just play 'the undefeated Englund trap'.
> Why go into engame theory, when I can just flag my opponennt? and if I get flag- then hey, that's just the game; I just wasnt tricky and fast enough.
> C'mon man.
thanks for making me feel special, I've had a whole essay written to me. thanks.
@ BadAtBlindfold said in #1:
> I have become a worse chess player by playing against these dirty players, and having played these dirty moves.
Okay, then do play against "clean" players with their "clean" moves. That will be probably a clean situation! (Sorry, but I couldn't stop myself from making this clean joke.)
@BadAtBlindfold said in #1:
> This isn't a callout post, because I genuinlly believe that everyone here plays such dirty chess. - I'm not saying its a bad thing, but from playing OTB chess, to playing here; there is an unrespectable amount of people who play cheap chess.
> If you're 500-1000, you are going to be scholars mated in every game
> If you're 1000-1200, half of all your opponents will lineup their bishops to your queen anticipating a premove
> If you're 1200-1500, nearly two-thirds of your opponets will play a dubious oppening with anticpated tricks and traps (Stafford gambit, Scandy, Grob, Mad Dog Attack, Fried Liver, [The Traxler], Englund Gambit)
> If you're 1500+, you're going to get flagged out of your mind- your oppenent will throw in multiple Botez Gambits, do you dirty in exchanges by placing their pieces at attacked squares, - You will be lefonged by the most unanticipated of moves sequances.
> I think Chess Network called this style of play as "Hope Chess" where you hope your oppenent blunders more times than he thinks his way out. He ellaborates saying that it is not benefitial to chess growth, because you're never learning or advancing; never making brilliances or outstanding tactical play.
> I have become a worse chess player by playing against these dirty players, and having played these dirty moves.

So, you being a bad player and playing exclusively speed chess makes other players "aggressive and dirty" huh?
@BadAtBlindfold said in #14:

> Am I seriousy gonna have to stick with lefonging my oppenet unti I get to 2200? what happpens after that?

After that you have to lefong even stronger players, all the way up.
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