
When do you start playing titled players

Some of them are around 2000 but it's easier to find them in arenas. By the way, there is no Elo, Lichess uses Glicko-2.
Don't mislead yourself into thinking that you need high rating to get paired vs titled player. There are many non-standard ways to get title and you can see even relatively lower rated players having title.
I get paired with titled players occasionally, but not often.
@openingtheorywizard6 said in #1:
> I was wondering at what elo do you start getting paired with tilted players in a few games, I’m about to touch 2150 bullet and I’m wondering at what elo I might get paired with a CM or an NM
In my main, when I used to be a 2200 I used to get titled players quite often (1+0).
@Scandinavian_Axe said in #18:
> When you finally become a Man

this hasn't worked for me, I have been paired with quite a few titled players...and I have yet to become a man ;)

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