
What's your favorite way to lose?

Is that where you smack the chess board across the room electronically?
Yeah haha, you know, when you suggest disqualification, throws in quite a range of possibilities XD
Falcon pawnchhhhhhhhh.. omg, get it. Falcon PAWNch.
Unknown message
I would be Falco from melee and dair people to their deaths.
While leaving the chessboard in tact, of course. How's that for a DQ. lol
"Unknown message"

Heh, sad thing is I never played Melee since I've never had a GameCube, but I still like the idea of turning my opponent into an egg as Yoshi and claiming pussy forfeiture. :D
There should be a commercial on this stuff.
Ways to recover from tournament fails :D

I can just picture an ad of a Mario-like dude at the point in a game where he needs to resign, suddenly doing an uppercut punch to send him into the air, earning his DQ + his money back in coins XD

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