
What opening should I play?

Ruiz lopez is an awesome opening, I like it! but If you want more fun, try to play italian like Magnus look my studies, there are two opening that maybe would like you
@ChessNibbler said in #15:
> I know many people agree with you, even some GrandMasters but.... After e4,d5; exd, Qxd play Nf3 instead of the usual Nc3 (or other). Then just develop normally with d4 and c4 like in queens gambit. It kills the Scandi. My statistical win rate (not on this site) is over 76%. The Scandi is busted in my world.,30,40/opening:B01,B10/period:60/termination:1,3,4,5,6
Here, i have picked my colour black, opening C-K and opponent strength weaker simaller and stronger, both the openings are pretty balanced, caro-kann is slightly worse, but that depends on some factors.
In opening explorer, the win rate for black is 46%, which is equal to the Winn rate before any move is played, draw rate is a bit less, but it's still pretty much equal.
@RamblinDave by dragon i actually meant all of the dragons including accelerated, hyperaccelerated, etc. I used to consider myself a non tactical player because I blunder and I suck at calculating but i realized that in strategic positions without any attacks I struggle even more (part of the reason I gave up the London and caro kann which served me well but felt very positional) and adapted the catalan and still looking for a weapon against 1.e4. So the extremely tactical sharpness and deadly counterattacking style of the dragon is what attracts me. It is a fighting opening and incredibly sharp. But as you said GMs and Stockfish hate and according to sf it is probably the worst Sicilian out there. I kinda like/hate the yugoslav (like because I can start attacking without fear on white's king) and (hate because it can be hard to stop white's kingside attack). It is not considered the soundest so I am not too confident. I will try accelerated dragon..
@Akarsh_2010 wow that's really cool, you have a 50% win rate with the Scandi. I guess, being a better player, you know how to handle the Nf3 idea better than my level of competition. However from the one game example I looked at you just outplayed the dude. For instance he gave himself TRIPLE isolated pawns, which you took advantage of right quick. So you win with it because you're good. I beat it because I'm bad... (That's intended to be a rip roaring joke!)
Play ALL the Openings & have fun in a couple of days of playing (90 games blitz ?) u won't get all of them & if u lose a few rating points u can gain them back & more the next day' ... this is 2022 ... Don't FEAR & LEARN by PLAY STUDY STUDY PLAY . U have all the training methods available at your fingertips modern & "classical ways & combining the two have fun . Study COMPLETE GAMES which will contain Endings Middlegames as well ... Don't spend an hour however studying one game ... Study 10 instead in that hour
@Mosesniam657 said in #10:
> Danish gambit. I like it
Yes, I also love the danish I have used in a few games and sometimes got awesome results.
I love Ponziani Opening and the Greco Gambit, I tried in many games but I failed. But, against @unknown_positive1-1, I won with Greco but it's fun to try out other openings such as Danish Gambit, Fried Liver, Italian, etc.

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