
What is our winning avg. cp loss by rating?

In "my insights" I was disapponted to find my average
cp loss in wins was not greatly lower than in my losses. However this was
an experiment to see how poorly I perform at 3-0 chess. I wonder if this site has a statistic which shows how well players do generally
correlating rating level to cp loss over all games they won?

For instance, I find if I play a 30 cp or less game I draw or win, but what player AVERAGES a 30 cp loss in ALL of his wins (what rating level?).
I lost 4 games in a row today (3-0 controls) where I played decently/lost.
The following were the cp losses of each opponent and their rating
during the game:

30 cp 2058
30 cp 2072
29 cp 2188
29 cp 2064

It makes me wonder what the odds are of this, or what a GM might
average in 3-0 over his wins? Anyone know?
I'm 2035 blitz and I probably lose 45 centipawns per move according to lichess in 5 0 games that I win.

I can't say the odds of such a streak but sounds like your opposition was over-performing or underrated.
Maybe there‘s a better correlation using „opportunism“ or „luck“? (compared to playing strength)

I got 86.1% / 80.2% for blitz/rapid. „Luck“ something in the twenties.
Not quite sure how to interpret luck. Mine says 42% win vs 17% loss. In my victories
I avg 59 cp, my losses 71cp (over exactly 100 games). 2/3 of my losses were on time. I'm going to try 5-0 now and see what changes. rating ended 2092, all 3-0 controls.

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