
What are some good openings/tips for the atomic variation?

Sorry! but something is wrong with his opening!
can Kapsarov win a 1400 + player with this opening?
I think he can :-P
I am fairly certain we all know TeaPow is just an additional moniker used by Kapsarov. Because we all know, Kapsarov didn't obtain that rating by ordinary and legitimate means.
If anyone gets to name openings after themselves, it shouldn't be a falsetto champion.

But then again, you could suffer the fate of JoelH and have losing systems named after you!! J/K JoelH!
*lol* thats right. But we named the openings after the player who used the line as the first person on GICS. And well my contribution was 1...g5?? :-(
Ha ha ha. 41 years old, but behaves like a little kid. Relax, old man. You act stupid. I had finish with you before, as the best thing you wrote was a bunch of bull sheet. I destroy, annihilate and knocked you out. Haven't you learn that lesson? You talking to me again? You must be enjoying punishment.
I came here today to rock, so your poor cries will be ignored.
Yes of course, you are right. He is not ordinary. He is extraordinary. The weight of his brain tilts his neck. You're a novice, so do not even try to understand his wisdom.

By the way, he is a horde champion too, and first human in history who ever break 2400 barrier in horde chess. No one even close to him.

He snatch a horde crown in the final battle, crushing former champion, Erindreki:

Exelent game! Outstanding!
His pawn moves are like chisel work in this composition sculpture.

Professor Kapsarov is just to strong for this world, and his title should be the King of the Universe.
You know, sometimes it is happening that openings get renamed. It's like Ruy Lopes more often called Spanish Game nowadays, or Pirc Defence was firstly named Ufimtsev Defence or Yugoslav.
Obviously, that Kapsarov is the most successful player of Nf3 Nc3 in current era. That's the reason of giving the opening a new name.
And about 1...g5?? - do not worry, there are many such examples in the history of chess, like Anderssen's Opening: 1.a3, that is hard to be proud of.

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