
Warning despite resigning?

Warning, ColdOddKey. Letting time run out instead of resigning will result in a temporary ban.

I resigned the game and still received this. What's it about?

I am new to online chess so I hope someone experienced will respond.

Thank you!!
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@ColdOddKey could be because you spend long time thinking and then resigned just before clock ran out. Such heurestic is obvioysly needed or otherwise rage quitters would start do that - and they actually do already
I think it's actually a kind of bug in the program. I've had it several times as well, and sometimes you use time to try to see if there's a way out and if you don't find it, you resign. But then you still get the warning. What @thanzeel123 wrote, is correct, since it is the reason why this warning exists. And there are quite a few players who indeed frustrate their opponents by letting their time run out instead of resigning. But, of course, you should not get this warning if you do resign before your time has run out.
Unfortunately, it isn't uncommon for me to take time to realize I'm in a lost position. It's not like I have a an evaluation bar while the game is going. If I did, I'd resign respectfully in such positions. :-/
@Dutch_Vulture It's not a bug. What petri999 said is 100% correct. If you let your time run out and then just resign a few seconds before flagging, it still counts. Otherwise, that would just give those people an easy way to avoid getting warned and eventually banned.

@ColdOddKey You can't just spend 30 seconds in a 1+0 match thinking about whether the position is lost. At some point you just have to learn to make a move, no matter how bad it is. In bullet, there's always a chance. Your opponent could blunder their Queen any moment or just run out of time.

Ofc, it's fine if this happens occasionally. This is only a warning after all. It will decay after a while and won't lead to any really bad consequences that quickly. But if you want to spend that much time on thinking about your positions, play a slower time control.
You have a game completion rate of 91%, so I am assuming that you have probably left some games without playing when you were lost (either intentionally or unintentionally).

You had 3 minutes 13 seconds when you were losing, it was mate in four but you let the time run out and did not resign.

The warning you received is to discourage such behavior and if you think it was wrong, don't worry play games fairly, resign when in a lost position or fight, don't let the time run without making moves. Lichess won't punish you immediately after receiving a single warning, it will do when you start doing it more often.

Good luck

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