
want to understand my lichess rating

I am a fully self-tought player with no experience in anything like clubs, openings, strategy, etc. Never read books or so, just watched some games of GM's.
My lichess score oscilates around 1650 probably. I'd like to know to what (if any) that corresponds to: like total beginner, novice, club player, whwatever. Is there at all any such classification that I'm asking for?

Ty in advance!
Have a nice day!
Not a beginner anymore :-) Probably an average club player. The thing about playing blitz only is it does not translate very well to classical rating. You could be 1300 or 1500, which is a pretty wide range. When at the club I beat 1800 classical players in blitz and score about half of the points, but I stand no (or very little...) chance against them in longer time controls.
1600 average club player, 1800 above average club player, 2000 strong club player, 2200 very strong club player could be winning club tournaments outside of the former USSR.

Playing strength below master can also be divided by class.
As far as I remember -class D 1200-1399 class C-1400-1599 class B 1600-1799 class A 1800-1999 expert 2000-2199
Thank you very much, guys!!!

So if I understand correctly, I'm quite "average" (in blitz that is). If so, I'm quite happy about it : Chess is fun, even without studying. I don't want to study because then it would loose the fun part for me. I already have too many other things to "study", or take seriously :)

Still, if you allow another question. What is your estimate... If I WOULD study, e.g. openings and such, what lichess score could I get in blitz? And how long would it take me to get there?
I have started studying chess with books and going to club when I was 1300-1400 blitz and that was about half a year ago, now I'm 1650 and improving. You can probably add 200-250 to your 1650 within 1 year (it will take you longer, because youre starting higher) if you study without too much problems.
thank you for sharing the information MetallicIntuition!
I'm happy for you that you achieved such a nice improvement! Hope to play chess with you one day!

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