
V2 Apocalypse

It takes a few hours to forget v. 1 completely.
Apart from a few typographical mismatches between old titles and new ones together, color corrections to be made (the greens in Puzzles don't match), and some "bluriness" in the pieces which I'm certain will be sharpened, I think it looks fine.
Thank you for all updates, I'm sure the lichess team know what they're doing.
And they've always wanted just one thing: make up happy for free.

I do not know how difficult it is to do, but it seems to me that it would be better. 1. Transfer of personal meetings under the chat (the space there has increased due to the removal of the logo of The chat has only become larger, it is not needed that much. 2 It would be nice to compress the designation of moves on the right and slightly reduce the dial. all these pieces distract a little from the board. 3. It is also a good idea to move the chat and notes away from the board. the board will breathe and not so distract. I think it will be much better.
All I can say if is not broken don't fix it. The new version sucks!
How do I get a new browser so that I can resume playing on lichess site?
Honestly I think the only thing lichess did wrong in this is they forced the release as if it was perfect now. They should have transitioned to see if they can release it to the public. I have yet to see a major flaw. I like the fonts. And I have yet to see any more lag than that was before. But the thing is, people must appreciate is that different computers display the same site differently. And while the old site worked on most computers the way it was, it could take some time for it to work on the same systems all at once. Instead of going nuts about the update why not try to work with the development team and tell them the issues. Maybe they are open minded about trying to get your issues resolved. I mean think about it. Do you really think the site was originally sparkling when it first came out?

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