
Types of Chess Players at OTB that annoy you:

@Cedur216 said in #14:
> when I played OTB for the first time in years, a clock slammer was so annoying to both me and my opponent that we drew early

You should've asked the clock slammer to stop and/or called a TD.
27). The pinky raiser - moves like he’s having high tea with the queen.
@PEBBLE85 said in #1:

> 7) the touch move person, it’s uncanny that when they are in a losing position, they suddenly care about touch move in a very casual setting

The players at my club be like :
Kinda hard to explain on text:

28) The person who keeps their finger on top of their piece before letting go and just bizarrely rotates his elbow around seeing any better candidate moves before finally letting go

I don't know if there is a word for it, "the unsure mannerism"? or "the 'i can't visualize a piece placement in my head' person"

A good trick to hustle your opponent into thinking you're a noob though
I met a guy who hadn't washed for ever. Stank horribly. Sat a fair bit from the table... I don't remember how the game ended.

Call the arbitrator if someone is annoying.
@what_game_is_this said in #38:
> I met a guy who hadn't washed for ever. Stank horribly. Sat a fair bit from the table... I don't remember how the game ended.
> Call the arbitrator if someone is annoying.

Assuming versions of OTB has arbitors lol
@Brian-E said in #3:
> (6) and (7) contradict each other a bit. Okay, slightly different rules of chess, but similar spirit to both rules, and contradictory attitudes to them. Still, I understand both irritations. :)
> 17) Clock abuser. Example: using different hand to press clock as to make moves and pressing clock button before move is completed. Another: accidentally knocking pieces over after making move, then pressing clock, and only then restoring position on board.

17 is often in my parts

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