
Two perfect bullet games with 0 inaccuracies

Recently I played 2 perfect bullet games with 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes, 0 blunders
With Average centipawn loss of 20 and 11.

And now I am afraid of being wrongly accused of cheating.
It is not my fault that my opponent just drop pieces sometimes (I do drop pieces too sometimes)

These are not my first games with 0 mistakes, 0 blunders, but if I remember correctly, the first with 0 inaccuracies.

Lol I don't think that you are going to get any problem literally, those moves are really natural!
The cheat detection system is much more sophisticated than "0/0/0 = cheat"

Even if accused, you won't be banned if you didn't cheat, and your play doesn't seem suspicious, at least not to me.
Lichess has a very advanced cheat detection system, and 0/0/0 alone or ACPL under 10 is not an automatic sign of a cheater. This is also the reason why accusations of cheating are not done in the forum, no one should jump to conclusions without actual proof.
It happened again ...

The 2 games mentioned above have centipawn loss of 20 and 11, this time it is 31 ( coincindintly 11+20=31 )

I cannot help but cringe whenever someone describes a particular chess game, or one side's part in it, as "perfect." Saying getting 0/0/0 is "perfect" shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what the analysis is showing.

I find your odd panic over this to be infinitely more suspicious than the analysis of your games.

0/0/0 isn't perfect, and there can never be a "Perfect game" because there are simply too many variations to play.
Even this game isn't "Perfect"
I played way better than "perfect" in this game, yet i doubt i'll get banned. Don't worry about being banned.

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