
Trans players in chess

It’s not worth the effort, the rude ones that think they are clever and yet they have nothing in reality to do with this conversation ( remember the whole thread is just started by someone talking rubbish) they are just trolling. I tend to just laugh at them ... sigh edited as I suppose I should behave, unlike some of the posters.
As a Christian I personally am against the trans movement. That does not mean I am anti LGBTQ (plus some) on a personal level I believe trans genderism is wrong based off me observing and living by the Bible. As Christians we are supposed to be tolerant, meaning I don't care if your trans, gay or anything else. I am still going to be kind to you, love you and pray for you; just as Jesus did. I think that trans chess players (on the competitive obt side) should have their own league. Same with sports I highly advocate for separate trans leagues. Just my opinion, would love to have a conversation with anyone who disagrees, ask long as you agree to do so peacefully.

Dude what the heck has your religious rubbish got to do with this... the answer.... NOTHING
Take your god and put them where the sun doesn’t shine. no I will not stick to your made up stupid religious beliefs and be polite about them ohhh I hope I don’t offend you.... Only you are allowed to offend people and spout crap
Oh of course you are another Russian troll... who probably has zero belief and is just spouting bullshit this thread is utterly pointless
#1 the flag is Albain #2 Im not Russian or Albanian XD
#3 I apologize if I started any argument or offended anyone. I simply stated my beliefs, I don't believe I have any special right to offend anyone because of my religion; if I do, and it was in poor taste lichess should have me ban just like anyone else :)

I share your religion, but regardless of whether one is for/against trans people, I cannot see how your solution would work. And I don't mean that in a way to put you down; I just think that it wouldn't work logistically.

How many trans women would be able to compete in a separate category for just them? Even if we ignore the implications of making a whole separate category for a second, it's still a really small, underpopulated place where people's ratings will probably end up either really underrated or really overrated (just look at the prison USCF rating scandal!).

There just aren't enough people for that to work (not to mention I feel like no one would want to be in a separate category by themselves).

Honestly, I don't see the problem with letting people play in women's categories - unlike other sports, there is no difference between women and men, and of the few 2600s that could "take advantage" - no 2600 would do so.
Hey I'm not a woman, so my opinion could be off. But having younger sisters I know that they would be very uncomfortable playing a biological man in a female tournament. Regardless of the game
@QuarterQuell said in #207:
> Hey I'm not a woman, so my opinion could be off. But having younger sisters I know that they would be very uncomfortable playing a biological man in a female tournament. Regardless of the game

But the question is how would they know that the woman they are playing is a biological man?
@greenteakitten said in #208:
> But the question is how would they know that the woman they are playing is a biological man?
To me a trans female is obviously female and is very welcome to play in Women's Tournaments and should be supported and very welcomed:)) Which the majority of female player do:))))