
Tips for Beginners. Get to 1200+ QUICK!

To start this post off, I wanted to let people know that I am offering free coaching sessions to beginners who are interested. If you are under 1000 ELO and want to climb I would be happy to help you out. Just respond to this post or msg me and we can set up a time. I have a lichess rapid rating above 2100, so even if you are an intermediate player I could probably teach you a few things. That being said, I hope this post helps you. Here are some things that helped me when I was trying to climb ELO in those beginning stages.

1. ANALYSIS. Learning chess takes a lot more than just playing games, what makes a great chess player is the training they do outside of games. Imagine a boxer who only ever boxed during their big matches, without proper training outside of the game, they would never improve. Learning from your mistakes is the best way to get better. When you've finished a game, take some time to go over it with a friend or coach, or better yet, use the free analysis engine that comes with this site and others like it. It will tell which of your moves were weak, and how your opponent could've best exploited them. Use this info to not make those same mistakes again.
2. TACTICS. Analysis will take you far as to avoiding mistakes, but in order to give your game some real power you've got to sharpen it with tactics. Again, this site and others like it offer free tactics. I don't want to get my post removed for recommending other sites but just know that there are sites that give you unlimited tactics without any kind of membership. Tactics work because they train your brain to think actively instead of passively. A good chess player is always proactive with their moves and chooses to set the tempo rather than respond to opponents' moves. It takes a lot of tactics training to grow in chess. Id recommend anywhere from ONE THIRD TO ONE HALF OF ALL YOUR CHESS TRAINING be tactics. Which leads into the third point.

3. PRACTICE, DEDICATION. If you want to excell at chess, or anything for that matter, you have to be DEVOTED to it. I believe that you could go from a complete beginner to over 1000 in a month or even much less, but it all depends on your dedication. Professionals practice 7-8 hours a day just to keep themselves sharp, and this number is going up. The chess world is becoming increasingly competitive with so many new players, so to be one of the ones who makes it above 1200, you need to have something the others don't. When you start off, practice 2-3 hours daily. If you can stay with this and do the right kind of practice, you will reach 1200 in no time. However if you take even a few days off, you may find that you've already gotten worse. Your only barrier is your own mind. However when you practice, you need to practice right, and playing games over and over again can do more harm than good.

4. BALANCE. Ever found yourself with a great win streak? You likely were excited and wanted to play a whole bunch of games. After a few, you probably began to lose more and more of them. This is what happens to everyone, it's called a bad day. When you find yourself in a position where you're having a bad day there are two things that you can do. Number one is stop. If you're tired and your game is suffering because of it, just stop. Have a snack, take a nap, maybe exercise. Do something to help your brain relax. Number two is of you're bummed about losing, take some time to switch your practice to online lessons, tactics, or best of all game analysis. I find that when I analyze my games on a bad day it calms my nerves, but it also shows me how I play when I'm at my worst. This is so helpful because it exposes your greatest weaknesses in ways that don't come out in your best games This is why I always tell people to analyze their losses, not their wins. Wins can be helpful to look at on occasion, but focusing on them may make you lose sight of your weaknesses.

5. DISCUSSION. When learning anything, it is important to have people you can share your goals/accomplishments with. This segues into a quick little thing I wanted to say about much of the culture surrounding chess for those who are unaware. People often become very obsessed with this game, and take a loss as the end of the world, and rub wins in your face. Much of this, from my observations at least, stems from parental pressure. Lots of kids are pressured to "be the best" at chess from a very young age, much like some kids are pressured to be the best quarterback or basketball star, it's just a different demographic. All that to say, the chess community can be VERY toxic. Yes, I'm talking about these very forums. If you're a new player and are innocent to this toxicity, do yourself a favor and avoid these forms for the most part. Instead, find a few friends you can talk to about chess and learn from. Having community is the only way to truly grow, but I would still avoid large scale chess communication platforms for the most part.

I hope this helps some struggling folks, and again, hmu of you'd like a lesson. I'm happy to help out.
Hi! I’d love to learn some more about chess. I’ve only recently begun playing and really need some lessons.

I'm a 1700 player and would be honoured for you to help me improve maybe 100 elo
I would really like to become better.
My problems is the man who looks on my from the mirror.
I know what to do (for my level).
My main problem is, that I do not use my skills.
Look at 64 field.
Check every figure for risks and options.
Remeber the last three moves your opponent did and ask yourself, what his plan is.
After you loosing a game, do not start another immidiatly (look for your fails first).
After a bad move, dont move fast, just breath and check the situation for some seconds.

How could I train myself?
I can do puzzels.
I can play games.
I can analyze ma fails.
.... but how can I avoid fails (on my level) ???
Can you train this ?
@HollyMu said in #5:
> I would really like to become better.
> My problems is the man who looks on my from the mirror.
> I know what to do (for my level).
> My main problem is, that I do not use my skills.
> Look at 64 field.
> Check every figure for risks and options.
> Remeber the last three moves your opponent did and ask yourself, what his plan is.
> After you loosing a game, do not start another immidiatly (look for your fails first).
> After a bad move, dont move fast, just breath and check the situation for some seconds.
> How could I train myself?
> I can do puzzels.
> I can play games.
> I can analyze ma fails.
> .... but how can I avoid fails (on my level) ???
> Can you train this ?

I understand your pain, we've all been in that situation. I would recommend
1. Sticking to a slower town control, at least until your start improving again. With a slower time control you will avoid obvious blunders and won't feel as bad about yourself when you lose. These games also cater better to analysis because when you're not hanging pieces you can better identify your true weaknesses.
2. Do some kind of online course OR better yet pick up a few chess books. I would highly recommend author IM Jeremy Silman. His book Silmans Complete Endgame Course and others really helped me when I was stuck at your level.
3. Take breaks. You seem to be very distressed about not being able to get better at chess. Sometimes I find myself losing and I just want to keep playing and playing until I win a few, but that just lead to more losses. When you feel like your having a low day, just stop playing. Period. This will do wonders.
Lastly, yes, I can train you if you would like, just message me.
@MakeWaves :
Thanks a lot :-) !!
I played this.

Look at move 26 pls and than move 27.
I would like to follow you and when I feel prepaired, I would be happy to play some classic with you and you can train me while that :-).
For half a scond I hoped the opponent rofls so hard, that he cant move any more. But he moved :-(
Nice to see that coaches with 2100 lichess rating start getting accepted by the community. Makes me more comfortable offering that too once I reach 2300 or something. Currently I am at 2200. Might still take a while...

I agree with what #1 said, I would add that nowadays people study way too much opening theory instead of middlegame and endgame ideas and really focusing on their own mistake patterns they keep repeating. Once you notice your shortcomings regularly, maybe even without teacher, you will improve forever.

Also the shown advice does NOT apply to players below 1200, but to players below 2000 in general.
@Yellowshake said in #7:
> I agree with what #1 said, I would add that nowadays people study way too much opening theory instead of middlegame and endgame ideas and really focusing on their own mistake patterns they keep repeating.
> Also the shown advice does NOT apply to players below 1200, but to players below 2000 in general.

I couldn't agree more. Beginners think they're better than they are because they've studied openings and can play "perfectly" for the first seven or eight moves. Anyone can have a flawless opening, that's just basic memorization. It does not translate to skill in chess.
And yes, this advice can apply to almost any chess player actually. The reason I say for beginners is because most players who are not beginners already know these things.

No I do not have a study guide at the moment, but that's a great idea, thank you!

Edit: if you meant a study showing that these concepts work, then all I can give you is my own personal experience. These tips got me to my current skill level.

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